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Giulio Barocco

Giulio Barocco

Trieste Universit, Italy

Title: Development of guidelines for collective catering public procurement integrated with sustainable development goals


Biography: Giulio Barocco


Surveys (2015 – 2018) carried out by the Local Health Agency of Trieste (ASUITs) in a Collective Catering (CC) sample (nurseries, schools, university, hospitals, nursing homes, workplaces), with a total daily production of 20% of the meals served in the area, have shown some critical conditions. In some CC the following has been observed: noncompliance of food supply quality and quantity, loss of up to 80% of antiradicalic power (ARP) and poliphenol content of several vegetable dishes, increase of more than 50% of oxidized compounds in some fish and meat dishes, as demonstrated by the University of Trieste. This represents a triple burden for the community: consumption of non-protective meals from oxidative stress; fraud of product quality/quantity (equal to 2-4% of contract value); and failure of the challenges of some of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In view of these findings, ASUITs has developed recommendations and tools, which are integrated into the Consultancy Procurement Procedure. These recommendations and tools take into consideration: the analysis of item costs; the indications of the Ministry of Health for CC that provide adoption of the Nutrient Analysis Critical Control Points (NACCP) process; the control and monitoring food supply quality/quantity, NACCP process; ARP and other marker to detect the nutritional value of meals. In 2018, recommendations and tools have been adopted by the International School for Advanced Studies and the area’s biggest nursing home ITIS. ASUITs is involved to develop guidelines for CC Public Procurement with complex criteria, linked at local level to a variety of SDGs.