Serap Balaban
Ankara University , Turkey
Title: Perceptions Of Women For Kitchen Safety And Kitchen Intelligence: The Case of Turkey
Biography: Serap Balaban
This research has been planned and carried out in order to determine the applications for kitchen safety and kitchen intelligence of women during preparation, cooking and storage. Study sample has consisted of 300 women between 18-65 ages who agreed to participate in the study. Survey method was used to obtain the data. In the first part of the questionnaire, general information about the women; in the second and the third part of it the women's kitchen safety (22 expressions) and kitchen intelligence (18 expressions) expressions took place. These statements are in the form of 5 point likert-type scale (Duyff, 2002). The highest scores are kitchen safety and intelligence section 110 and 90 respectively. Kitchen safety section includes expressions for food preparation, cooking, storage applications, kitchen tools hygiene and personal hygiene practices. The kitchen intelligence section comprises a deletion of application reducing the nutritional quality. Both in kitchen intelligence and kitchen safety sections, while primary school graduates get the highest scores (82.2±6.9, 68.3±7.9), university graduates get the lowest scores (78.0±7.7, 63.7±6.3). Taking part in the business environment of university graduates women in higher degrees than the primary school graduates women (89.0%, 20.5%) and spending less time in the kitchen can reduce their commitment to food safety. Limited time of working women in the kitchen can push one of these reasons for some quick solution (the food is tasted with mixing spoon, etc.). Increasing training activities for this target group has emerged considering the practices of working women in the food safety.