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Cevito Wilson

Cevito Wilson

University of Jyvaskyla | Finland

Title: The African virtual hospital


Biography: Cevito Wilson


Despite the growing state of the African economy which is recording nowadays growth of up to 7% each year, poverty remains a critical concern throughout the continent. Africans do not give any consideration to their healthcare, because of the unavailability of funds to afford it. The poor are usually facing health risk factors; they have insufficient access to health care services, and have off course limited lifestyle-related choices. Hence, health care issues are tremendous over Africa and need to be seriously tackled even though sub-Saharan Africa is showing some signs of a little progress towards the Millennium Development goals. Sub-Saharan Africa is the place of the world where public health is particularly strained. Therefore, a lot
need to be done in order to totally cure low level diseases and maintain the greatest one at an acceptable stage. Health Poverty Action should definitely orient its efforts providing sustainable and innovative pathways to reach goals and to meet people’s health needs. If the reason for this situation is at first the lack of resources and the failure of the African governments, the other reason is the absence of the qualified Doctors and practitioners throughout the continent. However there are several Africa Doctors who are serving extremely well in western hospitals mostly due to the brain drain of homegrown doctors who has
moved abroad, in search of higher wages and a better standard of living. We could recall the various stories of those African Doctors who can cure medical ‘brain drain’, treat cancer and other affections oversea. Thus, there is a need to connect them to the mother land in order for them to give back to the local health service. Diaspora Doctors are already helping. However, this should be institutionalized and automated in order to help carry out difficult surgeries, train and assist local doctors for the wellbeing of the patients in Africa. In order to achieve this goal, a tailor made Information and Communication Technology infrastructures should be developed in order to reinforce this link of a very promising Africa new Healthcare services connecting and stressing mobility of partners including: stakeholders from the private and public hospitals from the
north and the south, African patients, Diaspora Doctors, friends of Africa practitioners from oversea and other Doctors from down Africa. Hence, the infrastructure will be developed and deployed inclusively with the stakeholders to stress medical information exchanges, plan the delivery of various surgeries on the continents, easily plan and implement various training of local physicians involved. Doctors will also get accessed by the patients and answer their questions. This system will at the end save lives by not only implementing several critical health treatments on the continent but also brings the international Doctors closer to the remote patients in Africa and also save money to those fortunate African patients who have to deal with visa issues
and expensive travel and international stay and healthcare bills.