RN Flor Rojas
Autonomous University of Baja California, Mexico
Biography: RN Flor Rojas
It was found that globally 655,000 of the deaths were attributable to the consumption of sugary drinks, including 369,000 for diabetes; 258,000 for cardiovascular diseases and 28,000 for different types of cancer. In Mexico, 6 out of 10 deaths were attributed to the consumption of sugary drinks in adults over 45 years of age. In the National Survey of Health and Nutrition of Half Way (ENSANUT) 2006 it was reported that the consumption of sugary drinks represented 22.3% of the caloric intake of Mexican adults, and 10 years later, it increased to 85.3%. The consumption of sugary drinks is a modifiable habit, which, if moderate or diminished, protects us against the risk of suffering diseases derived from their consumption and therefore, an improvement in the quality of life. So one of the tasks of professionals is public health, is to promote the consumption of water and healthy drinks, instead of sugary drinks. The intervention program LIFE - live light, fly further, is focused on the young
adult university community from which range from 18 to 60 years of age, through a live educational program it consists on a live educational program through social networks and informative memes. Which aims to raise awareness among students about the caloric content and the impact of the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and the promotion of the benefits
of about water in their health through trans-theoretical theory? The latter, is a model that has demonstrated the ability to accelerate the speed of behavioral changes in the populations operated in accordance with the variables that compose it, which, go as follows, it begins with the Precontemplation stage, followed by Contemplation, Preparation, Action and Maintenance.
In order to quantify each one of these variables, an Exercise Questionnaire Based on the Transtheoretical Model was used, in which 48 items were used with five Likert type response options: "No / never", "Rarely", "Sometimes" , "Frequently" and "Yes / always". On the other hand, to know the frequency of consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, we used the National Survey
of Health and Nutrition Medium Way 2016 "Frequency of Consumption of Adolescents-Adults (> 12 Years of Age)". Finally, to quantify the level of knowledge, a questionnaire of general knowledge was applied to them, about the repercussions on health regarding the consumption of sugary drinks. The three questionnaires were applied before starting the intervention and at the
end of the intervention. All the data will be contrasted with chi square.