Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
2nd World Congress on Public Health and Nutrition , will be organized around the theme “The unprecedented Challenges of Building World’s Nutritional Health”
Public Health 2017 is comprised of 26 tracks and 86 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Public Health 2017.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Epidemiology is the study and analysis of the cause, effect and pattern of health conditions in population. It is the core of public health and identifies risk factors for disease and targets for preventive healthcare. Major areas of Epidemiology include disease surveillance, forensic epidemiology, transmission and disease etiology. It is applied to cover the description of not only epidemic disease, but of disease in general, and even health related conditions such as high blood pressure and obesity.
- Track 1-1 Public Health Solutions
- Track 1-2Public Health Administration
- Track 1-3Public Health Engineering
- Track 1-4Public Health Management
- Track 1-5Public Health Surveillance
- Track 1-6Environmental Public Health
- Track 1-7Public Health Concerns
- Track 1-8Public Health Emergency
- Track 1-9Public Health Microbiology
- Track 1-10Public Health Epidemiology
- Track 1-11Public Health Medicine
- Track 1-12Public Health Europe
- Track 1-13Public Health Advocacy
Public health and nutritional epidemiology shed lights on the relationships between nutritional status, dietary intake and health outcomes. It includes the study of aetiology of diet related diseases, strategies to prevent community setting and treatment in curative setting. It involves research to examine the role of nutrition in etiology of disease. Epidemiology deals with distribution, incidence and possible control of diseases and other factors relating to health.
- Track 2-1Public Health Problems
- Track 2-2Food and Nutrition Policies
- Track 2-3Public Health Surveillance
- Track 2-4Public Health Monitoring
- Track 2-5Public Health Interventions
- Track 2-6Public Health and Clinical Nutrition
- Track 2-7Nutrition and Health Policy
Public Health and Community Nutrition is the application of public health and community nutrition principles to improve or maintain optimal community health and target groups through enhancements in health policies, health systems, health technology and environmental health. Community nutrition incorporates individual and interpersonal-level mediations that make changes in learning, states of mind, conduct and wellbeing results among people, families or Small, focused on gatherings inside a community setting.
- Track 3-1Essential Public Health Services
- Track 3-2Public Health Care Services
- Track 3-3Public Health Laboratory Services
- Track 3-4Mental Public Health Services
- Track 3-5Public Health Nursing
Nutrition Metabolism is the set of life-sustaining chemical transformations within the cells of living organisms. These enzyme-catalysed reactions allow organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to their environments. The word metabolism can also refer to all chemical reactions that occur in living organisms, including digestion and the transport of substances into and between different cells, in which case the set of reactions within the cells is called intermediary metabolism or intermediate metabolism.
The convergence of genetics and public health holds the possibility of improved understanding of the cause, prevention, and management of diseases such as heart diseases, cancer, Ebola, dental diseases, and HIV/AIDSand also in case epidemics of an unknown disease. Public health genomics is the use of genomics knowledge to benefit public health by developing vaccines against various diseases.
- Track 5-1Nutrition and Parasite Infections
- Track 5-2Nutrition and Respiratory Infections
- Track 5-3Nutrition and Infection Management
- Track 5-4Nutrition and Infection Prevention
- Track 5-5Nutrition and Bacterial Infections
- Track 5-6Nutrition and Fungal Infections
- Track 5-7Nutrition and Viral Infections
- Track 5-8Nutrition and Tuberculosis
- Track 5-9Nutrition and HIV
- Track 5-10Nutrition and Malaria
Nutrition and Occupational Health is the maintenance and promotion of the highest degree of physical, mental and social health of workers in all occupations by controlling risks, providing humanitarian aid, promoting healthy eating, improving Health systems and preventing the departures from health.
- Track 6-1Nutritional Genomics
- Track 6-2Nutritional Cytokines
- Track 6-3Nutrition and Immune System
- Track 7-1Nutrition and Primary care
- Track 7-2Nutrition and Self-Management
- Track 7-3Nutrition and Women Care
- Track 7-4Nutrition and Child Care
- Track 7-5Nutrition and Chronic Disease Management
- Track 8-1Nutrition and Energy Metabolism
- Track 8-2Nutrition and Protein Metabolism
- Track 8-3Nutrition and Amino acid Metabolism
- Track 8-4Nutrition and Growth Metabolism
- Track 8-5Nutrition and Aging Metabolism
- Track 9-1Nutrition and Eating Disorders
- Track 9-2Nutrition and Vitamin A Deficiency
- Track 9-3Nutrition and Vitamin D Deficiency
- Track 9-4Nutrition and Iodine Deficiency
- Track 9-5Nutrition and Iodine Deficiency
- Track 9-6Nutrition and Iron Deficiency
- Track 9-7Nutrition and B12 Deficiency
- Track 9-8Nutrition and Minerals Deficiency
- Track 9-9Nutrition and Micro Nutrients Deficiency
- Track 9-10Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM)
- Track 9-11Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM)
- Track 9-12Malnutrition and Kwashiorkor
- Track 9-13Malnutrition and Marasmus
- Track 9-14Diarrhea and Under nutrition
- Track 9-15Malnutrition and Children
- Track 9-16Malnutrition and Food Fortification
Food policy is a guideline, program, decision or organization which effects how food is disposed, protected, purchased, distributed, processed and produced. These policies operate at institutional, local, regional, provincial, national and global levels. Effective policies include actions that make policy target to be completed.Nutritional Policies should be evidence based and purposeful, aiming to meet nutritional needs.
- Track 10-1Nutrition and Dietary Assessment
- Track 10-2Nutrition and Study Designs
- Track 10-3Nutrition and Case Reports
- Track 10-4Nutrition and Prevalence Studies
- Track 10-5Nutrition and Case Control Studies
- Track 10-6Nutrition and Cohort Studies
- Track 10-7Nutrition and Meta-Analysis
- Track 10-8Nutrition and Controlled Studies
Nutrition and food security is the state in which people have physical, economic and social access to safe and nutritious food that meets their food preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life. People who are food secure do not have to live in fear of starvation or hunger.
- Track 11-1Nutrition and Hematologic Diseases
- Track 11-2Nutrition and Hematologic Diseases
- Track 11-3Nutrition and Kidney Diseases
Public Health Nursing is the synthesis of nursing and Public health practice used to protect and promote the health of population. It combines all the principles of professional, clinical nursing with public health and community practice. Public health nurses educates public about the healthy lifestyles like educating benefits of various fruits and vegetables, educating about healthy eating plate, educating healthy eating pyramid.
- Track 12-1Nutrition and Diabetes
- Track 12-2Nutrition and Hypertension
- Track 12-3Nutrition and Cardiovascular Diseases
- Track 12-4Nutrition and Cancer
- Track 12-5Nutrition and Obesity
Preventive medicine is the strength of medical practice that aims the health of individuals, community, and selected persons. Its target is to promote, maintain and protect health and to prevent diseases (like Heart diseases, HIV/ AIDS, Obesity and many non-communicable diseases) disability and death. Just as health surrounds many physical and mental states, so do diseases and disabilities, which are affected by the human trafficking, environmental factors, disease agents, genetic predisposition, health disparities, and lifestyle choices.
- Track 13-1Nutrition and Millennium Developmental Goals (MDG’s)
- Track 13-2Nutrition and Sustainable Developmental Goals
- Track 13-3Nutrition and Public Health Policy
A Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) is a medical condition or disease that is by definition non-infectious and non-transmissible among people. Currently, NCDs are the leading causes of death and disease burden worldwide. The four main types of NCDs, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic lung disease, and diabetes, result in more than 30 million deaths annually. To reduce the burden of NCDs on global health, current Public Health actions stress the importance of preventing, detecting, and correcting modifiable risk factors; controlling major modifiable risk factors has been shown to effectively reduce NCD mortality.
Communicable diseases are those which get transferred from one person to another or one animal to a person or another animal by means of any contamination. The diseases often spread from one other via air, food, water or transfusing instruments or blood transfusion or bodily fluids. Communicable also mean infectious and contagious. Many of the epidemic diseases that the world experiences today are because of contamination. Limiting contamination and proper hygienic habits can halt the spread of disease. The focus areas involved in combating communicable diseases include public health information, science and research, prevention and control, case management, and regulating diagnostic tests and vaccines. Early diagnosis, proper medication and maintaining good hygienic habits are crucial for communicable diseases.
Obesity is a condition in which a person accumulates so much body fat that it might have a bad effect on his health. It is useful to estimate healthy body weight but, it doesn’t measure the percentage of body fat. People can become obese due to leading unhealthy lifestyles, consuming too many calories, social determinants etc.
- Track 16-1Nutrition Health Education Programs
- Track 16-2Nutrition and Behavioral Change Communication
- Track 16-3Nutrition and Health Evaluations
Disability is a wreckage that may be physical, mental, intellectual, sensory, cognitive, developmental, or combination of these which results in restrictions on individual’s ability to participate in normal everyday work. Disability may be present from birth or occur during lifetime. Public health professionals are finding new ways to fight disability using public health principles.
Any disease or infection that is caused by pathogens originating from animal or from products of animal origin is classified as zoonosis. These diseases include rabies, brucellosis, echinococcosis and leishmaniasis. Public health principles are used to identify and diagnose such diseases. There is a great need to promote research on zoonotic and foodborne diseases and their management in humans.